We have listed a series of links below to web sites which may be useful, however as their content is often changing we can not guarantee that they will always contain material that we at Biddulph Mission agree with, before taking anything as fact we ought to be a wise Berean search the scriptures to see if these things are so.

CARM - Christian Apologetics and research ministry - Packed full of useful info
Answers in Genesis
Berean Beacon - Dedicated to showing those within Roman Catholicism the true gospel of Jesus Christ Ravi Zacharias - Director of Ravi Zacharis International Ministries
The Berean Call - Apologetics web site headed up by author and lecturer Dave Hunt, alerting the saints to error within the church and exhorting believers to seek greater levels of biblical discernment

Assorted Ministries
Arnold Fruchtenbaum - Director of Ariel Ministries
John Piper - Desiring God
Echoes of Service Magazine - Missionary service
Precious Seed Magazine - Quarterly magazine + other articles
Counties Evangelistic Work

Audio Resources
Sermon Audio - Probably the largest collection of sermons on the net
Voices For Christ - Collection of sermons from assemblies collated over the last 50 years
JSTL - Joe Skelly’s tape library. Assembly speakers

Written Resources
Internet Christian Library - Eclectic assortment of literature, some more useful than others

Miscellaneous Resources
Directory of the Greek New Testament
Light for The Last Days - Proclaiming the Premillenial return of Christ
E Sword - Free Bible study software, Recommended
Ritchie Bookstore - Online Bookstore