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Lesson 6 - Introduction to The Tabernacle

Man’s History up to The Time of The Tabernacle (1441 BC)
We have already seen about mans history in lessons 2 & 3

Lesson 2- The Person of The God Man Jesus Christ &
Lesson 3- The Person of Man

 Now we are going to look at the progress of events leading up to God giving the instructions for the building of the “Tabernacle” God Created, and then He Placed Adam and Eve in the perfect Garden of Eden!

Let’s see how well you listened and answer some questions from
Lesson 2 “The Person of The God Man Jesus Christ “&
Lesson 3 The Person of Man

Who Created God?       __________________________
How long has God been in Existence? _______________________  

Name some of the qualities (Attributes) of God and the Big Name used for the quality or
attribute. Let’s see as a team how many we can get!

 God is S______________,       God is A______________,
 God is E_______________,     God is U______________
 God is L ____________,            God is I ______________  
God is All______________     Word O_________________
 God is All______________     Word O _________________
God is All______________     Word O _________________ 
Who was the planner of Creation?    _____________________
Who Created Everything?              _______________________
Who reveals to us (Shows us) Gods Way? __________________

 Introduction to The Tabernacle

What was The Name of the Garden, where God Placed Adam and Eve? _______________
What were the four Kinds of tree’s in the Garden?
Tree Type__________________________
Tree Type__________________________
Tree Type_________________________
Tree Type_________________________

Which Tree had God forbidden? – put a cross by it.
What would happen to them if they touched the fruit?_________________________  
What was Gods command about the fruit _______________________________
 How was Eve Deceived?  ________________________________________
What was the name of animal indwelt by Satan to talk to Eve?_____________________  
Who was held responsible for the act of disobedience, and why?_________________
Who and what, were cursed by God?  __________ & _________
 _______________________  &          ________________________
 What was Gods perfect solution? ___________________________
What are we all born with?          _____________________________
Whose sin condemns us as Birth? __________________________
How can we solve our own Sin problem?  ________________

Introduction to The Tabernacle

Who has solved our problem of sin and How?

How many did we get right?     Well Done!

 Children are now born to Adam and Eve.  

Who can tell me the names of Adam and Eve’s first children mentioned in the bible?
Sword Drill: Genesis 4

The world became very corrupt because mankind were sinful. God destroyed all of mankind by the great flood. But Noah was Righteous and found favour in the eyes of the Lord. He and His family were spared from the flood.

Sword Drill: Genesis 6-8

 From the family of Noah, eventually came the Family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, after many generations.
Sword Drill: Genesis 12

 Jacob had a child named Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt.
Sword Drill: Genesis 37 

Later his father and brothers joined him in Egypt because of a great famine. After many years the people grew in number, so much that the whole Jewish race now became slaves to the Egyptians.
Sword Drill: Genesis Exodus 1

 Their treatment was often so very wicked and cruel. They cried to the Lord because they were not treated right by the Egyptians and He, The Lord heard their cry and was compassionate towards them.
Sword Drill: Genesis 3:7

 Moses was born to be used by God to deliver His children Israel.
Sword Drill: Genesis Exodus 2


 The Lord appeared to Moses in a bush that was ablaze, but did not burn up, and The Lord called out to Moses.
Sword Drill: Exodus 3

Introduction to The Tabernacle

(Be careful to read this important promise from God)
The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them out of than land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey”
Sword Drill: Genesis 3:7


God sent Moses His servant to deliver Israel from this awful slavery.

God performed many miracles in bringing them out of Egypt, as they watched God do His work. God tested them in the land of Egypt and after much testing they left Egypt under Gods Mighty Hand, and were now heading for the Promised Land.
Sword Drill: Genesis Exodus 4 -14

 As God tested Israel ten times, they continually rebelled and rejected Him and they ended up testing God, and His patience.
Sword Drill: Psalm 95:7-11


 After God gave them the Law in the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, they continually rebelled because they did not trust God’s Word. They were banished from entering the Promised Land, and had to wander around the dessert for forty years, while the older people died off for their rebellion. God was now preparing the young people to enter the Promised Land, being as those over twenty failed to trust God, during the time of testing and trial.
Sword Drill: Numbers 14

 In the desert God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle, to explain in a ritual, pictorial way about their lost condition in their relationship with Him, and the way back to God through His Love and sacrifice for them.

He loved and wanted them so much that He was prepared to sacrifice His one and only Son to bring them back too Himself!

 Introduction to The Tabernacle

Read from the Bible or a children’s picture bible about the following events from the beginning of human history?
The Creation and the fall of man - Genesis Chapter 1 – 3
Adam and Eves children -         Genesis Chapter 4
Noah and the flood      - Genesis Chapter 6 – 9
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - Genesis Chapter 12 – 23
Joseph and his brothers - Genesis Chapter 37- 46
The birth of Moses - Exodus 2
Children of Israel in slavery - Exodus Chapter1
Gods rescue of the Children of Israel - Exodus Chapter 4-14
The children of Israel at Mount Sinai -Exodus Chapter 19

Map of the Exodus


Command from God - To You!  

“Seek The Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near”
Isaiah 55:6

Promise from God - To You!

“I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”
Sword Drill: Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father:

 “Thank you that you through Your Son Jesus Christ Created all things most well and that you have a plan for my life to. As we learn about the tabernacle over the next weeks, teach me more about Yourself and about your Son Jesus Christ. Teach me how I can be more obedient to You in all I think, do and say”

 We ask this in The Name of Lord Jesus Christ.


Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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